
Los Angeles, CA

Giving Back

From inception, a large part of our company ethos has been to donate back a percentage of sales and products to animals in need and the rescues and nonprofits that help them. It's our purpose and commitment to drive positive change in animal welfare and health. Included in this is our partner, the Live Like Roo Foundation, which has provided over $2 million in funds to support animals with cancer diagnoses. Learn more about LLR below or share this resource with another pet parent who may need it.

We are proud to introduce a new branch of Blooming Culture called Blooming Cats. This initiative is a foster-based rescue program aimed at providing a loving home for community and feral cats. Through an integrative approach to wellness, we provide holistic care and traditional medicine to prepare these cats for their forever home. Find out how you can donate, foster, or adopt here.


Live Like Roo Foundation, a 501c3 organization, provides support and financial assistance to families whose pet faces a cancer diagnosis. Our mission is that together, you and your pet will #LiveLikeRoo. Live Like Roo Foundation helps people and their dogs through a cancer diagnosis, both financially and emotionally. Our goal is to help people all over the world deal with cancer in dogs.

We found that when we needed help the most, there were 50 people with advice and we got really overwhelmed. We like to offer assistance options that best fit the dog as well as their vet's directive. We pay donations directly to the vet, as needed, and to confirm what funds exactly are needed for what procedures. After the dog passes, we also like to pay for the ashes or paw print of the dog if the owner would like them.

We also continue to assemble “Roo Cancer Care Packages,” which contain items that Roo loved during his diagnosis, as well as items that will help the owner through the diagnosis. Such items include: a handmade blanket, turmeric, an ice cream toy, canned pumpkin, treats, a Dairy Queen gift card, toys, tennis balls, a collar, and food dish.

Our future goals are to help more dogs and families cope with a cancer diagnosis and to spread the word about how to make a dog’s life better while going through cancer. Like us, many people turn to google for help, but we want to be a real life sounding board and support system for people that need guidance and very specific help depending on the diagnosis timeline and what type of cancer the dog has. We also would love to help more senior pets. This is a goal of ours that will hopefully come to fruition in the very near future. We are very passionate about senior animals in shelter and do what we can to help them now.