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Blooming Blog | Integrative Pet Wellness

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16 Nov, 2019

Watch Our Video: Diet & Your Dog

Diet & Your Dog is part 1 in a series of videos that will explore ways not only CBD can help your pet, but how incorporating other techniques is beneficial too.

Food can affect your dog's anxiety, pain, inflammation response system, overall wellness, allergies, and disease. What you do for your dog at a young age makes a big difference in the future. 

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Can My Dog Have Blueberries? Blueberries are High in Antioxidants Making Them a Great Healthy Treat for your Dog.

27 Sep, 2018

Can My Dog Have Blueberries? Blueberries are High in Antioxidants Making Them a Great Healthy Treat for your Dog.

Organic, raw blueberries are best for your pet. But, whether cultivated, wild, fresh, or frozen, they are full of essential nutrients and fiber and high in antioxidants. A one-cup serving of wild organic blueberries is 11g of sugar and 42 calories. An average size dog can have up to 10 berries per day. Research has shown that blueberries help improve mental acuity in older dogs. And, a recent study reveals that blueberry vinegar improves the memory of mice with amnesia. The fermented product could potentially be a promising food to help treat age-related amnesia/dementia. 
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Is Your Dog's Nose to Blame for Them Not Wanting Their Medication?

16 Aug, 2018

Is Your Dog's Nose to Blame for Them Not Wanting Their Medication?

Another butter that we love is sunflower seed butter. It is a nutty-tasting alternative but comes from a seed. It’s more nutrient-dense than peanut butter and considered to be a Superfood. It is a powerful source of phytosterols which are compounds similar to cholesterols. They help control inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease. Sunflower seed butter contains more fiber and less saturated fat than peanut butter. 
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03 Jun, 2018

Hemp Seeds For Dogs, Are They Beneficial?

What do hemp seeds have to do with dogs and nutrition? First, Hemp Seeds Do Not Come from Marijuana. Hemp seeds are easily digested, becoming an alternative source of protein in pet food, it is the only plant in the world that is a complete protein. No other plant compares with the nutritional value of hemp seeds.
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